Be aware that no team could rise above the attitudes, skills and desires of its weakest members. I had partners, staff, support people and clients wanting to be exceptional and who wanted to work with exceptional people. I never compromised by doing less than the best anyone could do, and then some, and never accepted […]
Categoria: Bookkeeping
Companies usually issue these documents because they are required to by law or stockholders. If a company is publically traded, its income statement must conform to gaap standards. Even private businesses provide them for the sake of their stockholders, creditors, and other interested parties. Business Insights Small businesses typically start producing income statements when a […]
This might take point as one of the more contentious AA slogans in existence. Brian Whitney, writing for The Fix, includes it in a list of the worst AA slogans for no other reason than its constant repetition. We see it on signs in meeting halls, and we hear people saying it without driving home […]
Remember, the key takeaway from this example is that, while the number of shares outstanding and the par value per share change, the total equity of Prestige Corp. remains the same. The stock split simply divides the equity pie into more, smaller slices without altering the total value of the pie. If the event is […]
This method calculates the tax based on your corporation’s total gross assets and the ratio of issued shares to authorized shares. Your corporation will owe an estimated $400 for each $1,000,000 in gross assets. The minimum tax when using this method is $400, and the maximum tax is $200,000. Form 1120 Schedule L for tax […]